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NONE of these items have been made using AI generators.
Softwares used:
★Poser ★Photoshop ★Daz ★PSP
☆★。Hello and welcome to Dark and Light Graphics! ☆★。
This is a project that has lasted more than a decade,evolving and improving without a doubt,
trying to be better each time.
Here we are keeping the original idea of providing resources with a personal touch
for personal and commercial use too…
You will find products created by me (Anna Gallegos) and by my friend and long time colaborator Rowen.
Super cool freebies,different kind of resources for your graphic needs,
check the store often to see the latest items added to the website.
Thanks to my hubby (Gragoth) for all the help provided here to make all this work.
Do you have questions or suggestions?
Send us your comments through our contact form or write us directly to our emails.